Friday, June 17, 2011

Ibrahim Ben Muhammad- Son of the Messenger of Allah (S)

Ibrahim Bin Muhammad

In the 8th year of the Exodus (Hijrah), Ibrahim, son of the Holy Prophet (S), was born to Mariya Qibtiyya. His mother was an Egyptian and had been a Copt (Native Egyptian Christian sect) prior to her acceptance of Islam.

Ibrahim resembled the Holy Prophet very much and the Prophet loved him greatly. He would carry him on his shoulders and show him with great pride to his other wives.

Ibrahim's mother was weak in health and could not suckle the baby. The Holy Prophet, therefore, bought a sheep whose milk was fed to the child. In spite of this, he did not live long and in the 10th year of the Exodus (Hijrah), Ibrahim died when he was only 18 months old.

The Holy Prophet was stricken with great grief and sorrow at his death. At his burial, the Prophet said: 'My eyes are wet and my heart is full of grief, but I shall utter what may but please Allah, '....O Ibrahim! I am grieved and moved at your departure.'

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